Italo treno Support

In this section you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive. Using the “do it yourself” tools, you will find the answers to almost any question you are likely to have.



In the "Self - Service" section you can solve your problem quickly and easily.

Compensation search
Do you need to change your ticket?
Check the status of your claim
Search and verify the amount of Italo Credito received

Contact us

You can reach Italo at the numbers listed below.

  • +390689371892**
    For general inquiries, support, pre-sales and after-sales assistance
    Open Monday to Sunday from 6 am until 11 pm.

    **your operator's fixed-line call charges apply.
  • 060708**(no sale service fees applied)
    Open Monday to Sunday from 7 am until 11 pm.

    **your operator fixed-line call cost applies.
  • 892020* (calls will be charged)
    Open Monday to Sunday from 6 am until 11 pm.

    *Calls from a landline cost a standard fee of 30.5 cents and then 54.9 cents per minute. Calls from mobile phones are subject to network charges. Charging only begins when the operator responds.
  • 060708**
    For general inquiries, support, pre-sales and after-sales assistance

    **your operator fixed-line call cost applies.

Read the information regarding the use of your personal data for Italo Assistance e Pronto Italo.

Italo in Viaggio

For real time informations on train circulation, railway traffic and possible timetable changes consult Italo In Viaggio.

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