Issuing an Italo invoice
Procedure for Obtaining Travel Documentation
How you can request an Italo invoice
You can request an invoice for your ticket during the purchase process, from our website or via our app simply by inserting your billing details.
You can request the invoice during the purchase of your tickets or by midnight on the day of purchase by selecting PERSONA FISICA for private subjects or TITOLARE PARTITA IVA/PERSONA GIURIDICA for VAT number holders.
Should you fall under Split Payment regulations (Italian Article 17-ter DPR 633/72) you will need to call Pronto Italo on +39 060708 to purchase your ticket and to request an invoice.
Register with Italo Più and you can create up to five billing profiles to save you time in the future.
Should you fall under Split Payment regulations (Italian Article 17-ter DPR 633/72) you will need to call Pronto Italo on +39 060708 to purchase your ticket and to request an invoice.
Register with Italo Più and you can create up to five billing profiles to save you time in the future.
Do you have a question regarding Italo invoicing?
Please take a look at our FAQ page to see if you can find the answer there.

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