Information on the processing of personal data
ITALO, in relation to personal data provided through the present self-declaration, informs You, in accordance with the article 13 Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and as an integration of information on the processing of personal data provided for the purchase of ticket, that:
1. Purposes of the processing activities and legal basis: the purpose of the personal data processing is related to the adoption of measures to prevent and contain the contagion from COVID-19 as required by applicable provisions of the Guidelines for information to users and the organizational measures for limiting the spread of COVID-19 in public transport (“Linee guida per l'informazione agli utenti e le modalità organizzative per il contenimento della diffusione del COVID-19 nel trasporto pubblico”) referred to in the Ordinance of the Minister of Health, in agreement with the Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, of 1 April 2022.
2. categories of personal data processed and data subjects: in consideration and in compliance with the Guidelines for information to users and the organizational measures for limiting the spread of COVID-19 in public transport, Italo will process data on the occurrence of symptoms from Covid 19 communicated by passengers within 5 days of the end of the journey.
3. Data retention period: personal data collected through self-declaration, will be stored for fifteen (15) days from the date of the communication to Italo at
4. Communication of personal data: personal data collected through self-declaration relating to the onset of symptoms attributable to Covid - 19, which appeared within 5 days of the end of the trip, must be communicated to the rail carrier and to the competent territorial health authority in the cases and in the manner provided by the applicable legal provisions.
5. Methods of the processing activities: the processing will be carried out with logic strictly related to the purposes and in such a way as to guarantee data security.
6. Data subject’s rights: at any time You could exercise Your rights provided by the GDPR (articles from 15 to 21) and, in particular, You can exercise the right to: access, rectification, limitation, opposition, erasure and to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. To exercise these rights, please contact ITALO through the Privacy office at the e-mail address; suitable feedback will be provided to this request without delay within the terms established by the GDPR.
7. Data controller: the data controller is ITALO – Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A. in the person of Legal Representative, with registered office in Via Casilina,no. 1, - 00182, Rome, Italy. Any request relating to the personal data processed by ITALO – Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A. may be sent to the Data Controller at the company’s registered office to this e-mail
8. Data Protection Officer (“DPO”): the DPO can be contacted at the e-mail address:
This is an English courtesy translation of the original documentation prepared in Italian language. Please consider that only the original version in italian language has legal value.